“Hollyana Melear creates unique, iconic art that speaks to the heart and soul across a variety of mediums, including acrylics, pastels and ceramics. She has exhibited at Austin City Hall, the Dougherty Art Center, and at the Texas State Capitol, as well as numerous private gallery exhibitions, events, and private commissions.“
Painting has been a life-long passion for me. Born and raised in Austin, Texas, I grew up in a family of artists deeply passionate about art, coupled with a love of science, astronomy, history, and culture. I have pursued the study of art through different vehicles of ancient art and global forms of spirituality through the exploration of broadly varied media. My graduate studies focused on ancient Middle Eastern forms of ritual, art, and religion, which led me to the study of iconography, particularly the idea of translating ancient icons and totems into modern form.
My more recent studies of totems, allies, and Native American Medicine have come to permeate my art. I believe that art is healing to all as a universal language. By using art as a vehicle to blend culture, spirituality, time, and imagery, we can create a new, global mythology that can help to heal the world.
Currently, my focus has taken a broader scope, incorporating the philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism, as well as some Islamic design ideas. I have also become slightly obsessed by the political climate of the USA and the globe ( see The Great Divide Series). By creating imagery that connects the ancient to the new and gathers higher knowledge from across time and the boundaries of geography, I believe I can make that tiny difference to help humankind find their common ties, and look within to see the many ways in which we can all support evolution towards a more connected planet and community.